The trademark COVRINS with the number M4600747 was filed on 20/11/2019. The trademark COVRINS with the number M4600747 was filed by a Natural Person. The trademark COVRINS with the number M4600747 was filed in classes 12, 16, 35, 42 according to the Nice Classification.
NOTTE Art & Home was filed on July 5, 2013, by the company LAURENT NOTTE with the French National Institute of Industrial Property (92 INPI – ELECTRONIC FILING). The French trademark “NOTTE ART & HOME” was published in the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property (BOPI) under number 2013-30 on July 26, 2013. Registered under the RCS number 519 265 979 . During its filing, the applicant relied on an agent, LAURENT NOTTE. The NOTTE ART & HOME trademark was registered in the National Trademark Register (RNM) under number 4017809.
General Terms and Conditions (CG)
1. The implementation service includes everything explicitly listed in the description of the work. Conversely, it does not include what is not described within the same scope.
2. Unless an extended payment deadline is agreed upon between the two parties and appears on the invoice, payment is due no later than the 30th day following the date of invoicing (C. Com. art. L. 441-6, amended by the law of May 15, 2001). Any late payment may result in late payment penalties due without reminder, at the rate of 10% of the total invoice amount per month of delay (Combatting late payments / Article 53 of the NRE law). Payment can be made by bank transfer or check payable to “ADSTRIVER.”
No discount for early payment.
3. In accordance with the CPI (articles L.121-1 to L.121-9), only the proprietary rights explicitly stated in the conditions of transfer are granted to the client for the work described, excluding all others, and within the limits stated therein. It is reminded that the moral right of a creation (including, among other things, the right to respect for the work and the right to respect for its name) remains perpetually and inalienably attached to its author. Any total or partial representation or reproduction made without the consent of the author or their successors is unlawful and punishable under laws relating to copyright infringement. The same applies to translation, adaptation, transformation, arrangement, or reproduction by any art or process (Art. L. 122-4 of the CPI).
4. The entirety of the production and associated rights subject to this order remain the full and exclusive property of ADSTRIVER until all invoices issued by ADSTRIVER are paid in full by the client company, up to the total amount of the order and any amendments agreed upon during the service. Consequently, the client company will become the de facto owner of the transferred rights upon final settlement of all invoices issued by ADSTRIVER under the order.
5. The potential delivery of source files or working files related to this order will only occur if necessitated by the strict exploitation of the work as provided in the transfer conditions or a subsequent amendment.
6. ADSTRIVER reserves the right to mention its work for the client company as a reference and to cite text or visual excerpts from the relevant works in the context of its commercial prospecting, external communication, and advertising activities. Any objection to ADSTRIVER’s right of publicity must be negotiated before the quote is signed and stated on the invoice.
7. The client company assumes full and sole responsibility for the choices made regarding the textual and visual content included in the delivered work by ADSTRIVER, as well as its use, particularly its compliance with current regulations. It also assures that it owns the necessary rights to exploit all creative textual and visual elements it provides to ADSTRIVER for the project and indemnifies ADSTRIVER against any complaints regarding the violation of these elements’ rights.